Microgreens, Victoria Pickup Locations and more

Hello Local Food Box members and supporters,

We are getting close to the start of the Local Food Box program! We still have spaces left in all of our pickup locations and for all of our box program products. If you havent already signed up but would like to please do! You can register here. If you are interested but hesitating or have questions please give us a call or send an email. If you know anyone else you think might be interested please forward them this newsletter.

New Product: Microgreens from Roaming Raven Farm

We love collaborating with local farmers to support their work and bring local food box members an amazing assortment of the best local food and farm products available. We are excited to bring another farm onboard the Local Food Box this year. Roaming Raven Farm is located in Metchosin and specializes in microgreens, berries and vegetables. We are now offering Local Food Box members four different nutrition and flavour full microgreens options: Pea Shoots, Pea-Broccoli-Sunflower mix, Broccoli Shoots, or a Surprise Mix. All are available as weekly or bi-weekly options and are available to order on our registration page. If you have already signed up and would like to add microgreens (or anything else) to your order please send us an email and we can make the adjustment.

Pea Shoots form Roaming Raven Farm

Confirmed: Victoria Pickup locations

Two pickup locations around Victoria are available this year and both still have space available:

  • VicWest – 635 Dominion Rd, on Mondays around 5:30-7 pm
  • Fernwood– 1322 Denman Street on Thursdays around 5:30-7 pm

There is also a potential third pickup location available in town in the Mt. Tolmie neighbourhood, at 1659 Kisber Ave. We would still need to sort out details but for now want to gauge if there is enough interest to make this new location work. We need about ten members for it to be feasible. Please get in touch if you would like to be on the list for this pickup location.

Available: Flower Bouquet Subscriptions

There was a mistake in our registration system and the inventory for flower bouquets was set too low. As a result a few weeks went by where bouquets were not showing up as an option in our shop/registration page. We do still have flower bouquet subscriptions available so if you missed it or would like to add it, please just let us know. They are beautiful and you deserve it!

Help! Reviews on Google

We are trying to reach out to potential new customers and improve our profile and visibility online. If you are a past Local Food Box member we would really appreciate if you could give us a rating/review on google: https://g.page/r/CQWyyw0QaUw1EBI/review

and while you are at it…Wind Whipped Farm Google reviews: https://g.page/r/CSYYEtJUuiVzEB0/review

Start Dates

We are planning to start the first pickups of the season during the first week of June. This may be adjusted depending on weather and crop growth. If you are only signed up for bi-weekly options we will be in touch before June to confirm your pickup schedule.

  • Monday Vicwest Pickup – June 3, 5:30 pm-7 pm
  • Tuesday Farm Pickup – June 4, 3:30 pm- 530 pm
  • Thursday Fernwood Pickup – June 6, 5:30 pm-7 pm
  • Friday Farm Pickup – June 7, 3:30 pm – 5:30 pm
  • Saturday Farmstand Pickup – June 8, 9 am – 12 noon

Thanks for reading and for your support!

Alex and Virginie on behalf of The Local Food Box and partner farms

Wind Whipped Farm curvy lower field expansion: this is where you garlic and potatoes are growing
Wind Whipped Farm Brassica crops under insect protection

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