Author Archive | windwhippedfarm

Register now for the 2014 season!

Registrations for the 2014 Local Food Box Program are now open! Are you a returning customer? Then now is the time to sign up for your weekly supply of Metchosin grown and raised products! Are you new to the Local Food Box Program? Please read the About and FAQ’s pages and contact us if you have any questions. In 2014, we […]

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What’s new at Wind Whipped

The beauty of farming is that every season brings new project and experiments. This year at Wind Whipped Farm we are particularly excited about trying to grow baby ginger, which is all the rage on the East Coast. We will be raising a small greenhouse (20×30), which will be primarily dedicated to seeding and late season heat-loving crops […]

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Week 16: end of the season update

This week is the last veggie pick-up of the Local Food Box program. It is also the one and only season update we sent throughout this whole season, shame on us!… We are writing to cover a few logistical items concerning this last week, give box members a season overview of successes and challenges and […]

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Next week: The first 2013 boxes!

Next week is the first week of the box program. The Wind Whipped radishes are sizing up quickly while the pac choi, spinach and kale are begging to be harvested. With the generous help of family and neighbors we have also been hard at work raising our new greenhouse.  Molly Buchanan (daughter of John and […]

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Register now for the 2013 season!

Dear Local Food Box Program members, supporters, and friends. It is time. We are happy to announce that we are ready to accept your registrations for the 2013 Local Food Box Program. Please read below for an update from your box program managers at Wind Whipped Farm and for information about some changes to the […]

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